Structure / Кафедри університету / Foreign economic activity / Specialization of “Management of Foreign Economic Activity” |
Specialization of “Management of Foreign Economic Activity”

Specialization of “Management of Foreign Economic Activity” is accredited by ІV level. Tuition is executed by full-time education and extramural form by education level of bachelor, education and qualification level of specialist; education level of master.
Tuition by specialization of “Management of FEA” is a perfect start for future placement in broad variety of sectors: industry, construction, agro-industrial complex, governmental and regional management, recreational industry, trade, etc.
The master classes of foreign teachers with the assistance of U.S. Peace Corps give invaluable experience of foreign management experts. Work and leisure abroad allow having a look at inner workings of advanced companies, study the experience of international corporations, master foreign language on spoken and professional levels.

Opportunities you receive while studying the specialization of “Management of FEA”:
- English and German languages fluency in professional interaction;
- employment possibilities in the USA, the Western Europe countries during your tuition or after graduation;
- great price bonuses when admit to extramural department in the form of possibility to study at full-time department;
- attractive price of education.
Admission requirements:
- Certificate of Secondary General Education;
- Certificate of EIT (External Independent Testing) in:
1) Ukrainian language and literature;
2) Mathematics;
3) History of Ukraine or Foreign Language.
After graduation the graduates of specialization of “Management of Foreign Economic Activity” can work in enterprises and institutions in different fields as:
For Bachelor
- Production department chiefs in wholesale and retail trade
- International economic activity managers (directors)
- Business and administration managers (directors)
- Technical and trade representatives
- Goods purchase and sale brokers (agents)
For Master
- Chiefs of financial, economic, law and administrative subdivisions
- Chiefs of inventory and logistics management subdivisions
- Chiefs of small businesses without management apparatus in industry
- Market research and public opinion study managers (directors)
- Business and administration managers (directors)
- Advertising managers (directors)
- Personnel selection, provision and usage managers (directors)
- Labour and employment specialists
- Marketing, business efficiency and production management specialists
- Economists
- Other technical management specialists
- Customs service inspectors
- Other government inspectors
After termination of master academic program there is a possibility to continue education in postgraduate course with the following defense and awarding of doctor of philosophy degree.