Міжнародна діяльність / For foreign students / Information about Kherson National Technical University |
Information about Kherson National Technical University
A. Kherson National Technical University
1. Legal address, e-mail address, website address
Address: Ukraine, 73008 Kherson, 24 Berislavske shose
Tel.: +38 (0552) 32-69-09
Actual address (temporarily relocated): Ukraine, 29016 Khmelnytskyy, vul. Instytuska, 11.
Tel: +38 (0382) 77-35-65
E-mail: kntu@kntu.net.ua , adm@kntu.net.ua
Link: http://www.kntu.net.ua
2. University Administration
Rector – Full Professor Olena CHEPELYUK, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Winner of the National Prize of Ukraine named after Boris Paton
First Vice-Rector – Associate Professor Maria ARTEMENKO, PhD in Technical Sciences
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs – Full Professor Volodymyr SHERSTIUK, Doctor of Technical Sciences
Vice-Rector for Administration and Maintenance – Yurii DZEKAN
B. ECTS Coordinator
University ECTS Coordinator is
C. General Description of Kherson National Technical University
Kherson National Technical University (KhNTU) dates its history back to 1959. Alongside with being an accelerator for regional industrial development, the University has always been both the center of active youth involvement into educational programs and community-oriented activities.
It was granted the status of “University” by the Cabinet of Ministers Decree №254 of March 24, 1997. On November 15, 2005 the “National” status was granted by the President of Ukraine Decree №1403/2004.
Kherson National Technical University, based on the state-owned property of Ukraine, is an autonomous higher education institution of the IV level of accreditation. It offers Bachelor Degrees, Master Degrees, and PhD programs. There are scientific schools, lab testing services for enterprises and fundamental and applied researches in various industries are carried out.
There are 4 departments, 15 chairs:
- Department of Information Technology and Design.
- Department of Integrated Technologies.
- Department of International Economic Relations, Management and Business.
- Department of Engineering and Transport.
- Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies.
- Center of Test Technologies and Pre-University Training Programs.
We are also active in the sphere of culture – art projects, exhibitions, art-laboratories and collaborations are implemented by the faculty and students. The university provides co-working space for young people and discussion venues for local communities.
Over the years Kherson National Technical University:
- has given an impetus to the industrial development of Kherson Region, turning the region into a powerful industrial center (by training personnel for plants and factories)
- has been creating a system of regional education (college, university)
- remains the center for training professionals and testing new technologies in machine engineering, chemical industry, power engineering, food processing, textile industry, transport systems, IT sphere and design, public administration, economic relations and business administration, translations studies and in the field of finance.
A full description of the history of the KNTU is available on the official website of the University at: www.kntu.net.ua
According to the license, Kherson National Technical University trains specialists with higher education at the appropriate levels:
Initial level with the award of educational-professional degree "Junior Specialist" (Short cycle).
Industry code |
Knowledge industry |
Specialty code |
Name of specialty |
07 |
Management and Administration |
071 |
Accounting and Taxation |
072 |
Finance, Banking and Insurance |
076 |
Entrepreneurship, Trade and Stock-Taking Activities |
12 |
Information Technology |
121 |
Software Engineering |
18 |
Production and Technology |
182 |
Light Industry Technology |
Bachelor, first cycle degree
Industry code |
Field of study |
Specialty code |
Specialty |
Educational and professional program |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
02 |
Culture and Arts |
022 |
Design |
Design |
03 |
Humanities |
035 |
Philology |
035.04 Filology: Germanic languages and literature (translation included) |
05 |
Social and Behavioral Sciences |
051 |
Economics |
Economics of Enterprise |
Economic Cybernetics |
07 |
Management and Administration |
071 |
Accounting and taxation |
Accounting and Audit |
072 |
Finance, Banking and Insurance |
Finance and Credit |
073 |
Management |
Logistics |
Hotel and Tourism Business Management |
Personnel Management and Labor Economics |
HR Management at State-Owned Enterprises |
Management and Administration in Business |
Management of Foreign Economic Activity |
075 |
Marketing |
Marketing |
Advertising Activity of PR |
076 |
Entrepreneurship, Trade and Stock-Taking Activities |
Commodity Science and Commercial Activity |
12 |
Information Technology |
121 |
Software Engineering |
Software Engineering |
122 |
Computer Science |
Computer Science |
123 |
Computer Engineering |
Computer Engineering |
125 |
Cyber Security |
Cyber Security |
126 |
Information Systems and Technology |
Information Systems and Technology |
13 |
Mechanical engineering |
131 |
Applied mechanics |
Applied mechanics |
133 |
Sectoral engineering |
Sectoral engineering |
14 |
Electrical engineering |
141 |
Power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics |
Power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics |
15 |
Automation |
151 |
Automation and Computer-integrated Technologies |
Automation and Computer-integrated Technologies |
152 |
Metrology and information-measuring technologies |
Metrology and information-measuring technologies |
153 |
Micro- and Nanoelectronics |
Micro- and Nanoelectronics |
16 |
Chemical and Biomedical Engineering |
161 |
Chemical Technologies and Engineering |
Chemical Technology |
163 |
Biomedical Engineering |
Biomedical Engineering |
18 |
Production and Technology |
181 |
Food Industry Technologies |
Technological expertise and food safety |
Food Technology and Engineering |
182 |
Light Industry Technology |
Technology of light industry products |
Technology and design of textile materials |
Technology and design of fabrics |
Expertise of Textile Materials and Products |
Artistic modeling, designing and technology of sewing products |
24 |
Services Industry |
242 |
Tourism |
Tourism |
27 |
Transport |
274 |
Motor Transport |
Motor Transport |
275 |
Transport technologies (automobile transport) |
275.03 Transport technologies (automobile transport) |
28 |
Public Management and Administration |
281 |
Public Management and Administration |
Public Management and Administration |
29 |
International relations |
292 |
International relations |
International business |
Master’s, Second cycle of higher education
Код галузі |
галузь знань |
код спеціальності |
Спеціальність |
Освітньо-професійна програма |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
02 |
Culture and Arts |
022 |
Design |
Design |
03 |
Humanities |
035 |
Filology |
035.04 Filology: Germanic languages and literature (translation included) |
05 |
Social and Behavioral Sciences |
051 |
Economics |
Economcs of Interprise |
Economics Cybernetics |
07 |
Management and Administration |
071 |
Accounting and taxation |
Accounting and Audit |
072 |
Finance, Banking and Insurance |
Finance and Credit |
073 |
Management |
Logistics |
Hotel and Tourism Business Management |
Management and Administration in Business |
Management of Foreign Economic Activity |
075 |
Marketing |
Marketing |
076 |
Entrepreneurship, Trade and Stock-Taking Activities |
Quality, Standardization and Certification |
12 |
Information Technology |
121 |
Software Engineering |
Software systems |
122 |
Computer Science |
Computer Science |
Project Management |
123 |
Computer Engineering |
Computer Systems and Networks |
126 |
Information Systems and Technology |
Information Systems and Technology |
13 |
Mechanical engineering |
131 |
Applied mechanics |
Technology of mechanical engineering |
132 |
Materials science |
Materials and engineering in the transport industry |
133 |
Sectoral engineering |
Equipment of light and service industries |
14 |
Electrical engineering |
141 |
Power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics |
Alternative and renewable sources of energy |
15 |
Automation and instrumentation |
151 |
Computerised Control Systems and Automatics |
Computerised Control Systems and Automatics |
152 |
Metrology and information-measuring technologies |
information-measuring technologies |
153 |
Micro- and Nanoelectronics |
Micro- and Nanoelectronics |
16 |
Chemical and Biomedical Engineering |
161 |
Chemical Technologies and Engineering |
Chemical Technology of Food Additives and Cosmetics |
Textile Chemistry and Finishing Productions |
163 |
Biomedical Engineering |
Biomedical Engineering |
18 |
Production and Technology |
181 |
Food Technology |
Fermentation Product and Wine-Making Technologies |
Fruit and Vegetable Storage, Preservation and Processing Technologies |
182 |
Light Industry Technology |
Preprocessing Technologies, Standardization and Certification of Light Industry Raw Materials and Products |
Fabric Technologies and Design |
Expertise of Textile Materials and Products |
27 |
Transport |
275 |
Transport technologies (automobile transport) |
275.03 Transport technologies (automobile transport) |
28 |
Public Management and Administration |
281 |
Public Management and Administration |
Public Management and Administration |
Doctor of Philosophy, PhD, third cycle degree)
Код галузі |
галузь знань |
код спеціальності |
Спеціальність |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
05 |
Social and Behavioral Sciences |
051 |
Economics |
07 |
Management and Administration |
073 |
Management |
074 |
Public management and administration |
075 |
Marketing |
076 |
Entrepreneurship, Trade and Stock-Taking Activities |
10 |
Natural Sciences |
105 |
Applied Physics and Nanomaterials |
12 |
Information Technology |
122 |
Computer Science and Information Technology |
122 |
Computer Science |
126 |
Information Systems and Technology |
13 |
Mechanical engineering |
132 |
Materials science |
15 |
Automation and instrumentation |
151 |
Automation and computer-integrated technologies |
16 |
Chemical and Biomedical Engineering |
161 |
Chemical Technologies and Engineering |
18 |
Production and Technology |
181 |
Food Technology |
182 |
Light Industry Technology |
28 |
Public Management and Administration |
281 |
Public Management and Administration |
Research level (Doctor of Sciences):
073 Management
075 Marketing
076 Entrepreneurship, Trade And Stock-Taking Activity
122 Computer Science And Information Technology
181 Nutrition Technologies
182 Light Industry Technology
In addition, the University holds advanced foreign languages training (English, French, and German). The full list of paid services:
International cooperation is one of the priorities of the Kherson National Technical University. Within the framework of international activities, KNTU facilitates the participation of students in international exchange programs and academic mobility, provides information on international programs, contests and scholarships.
D. Rules for Admission International Students and Individuals without Citizenship
Preparation of foreign citizens is carried out in all basic accredited specialties.
1. Preparation of foreigners and stateless persons is carried out in accordance with the Laws of Ukraine "On Higher Education", "On the Legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons", "On Foreign Ukrainians", the Decree of the President of Ukraine of June 3, 1994 No. 271 "On Measures for development of economic cooperation of the regions of Ukraine with the adjacent regions of the Republic of Belarus and administrative-territorial units of the Republic of Moldova ", by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from February 26, 1993, No. 136" On the training of foreign citizens in Ukraine ", from 11 No. 684 "Some issues of the recruitment of foreigners and stateless persons" September, 2013, Order No. 1541 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated November 1, 2013 "Some issues of the organization of recruitment and training (internship) of foreigners and stateless persons", registered in Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on November 25, 2013 under No. 2004/24536 (as amended by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated December 11, 2015, No. 1272).
2. Foreigners and stateless persons may obtain higher education at the expense of individuals and legal entities, unless otherwise provided by international agreements of Ukraine, the consent to be bound by the Verchovna Rada of Ukraine, laws or agreements between higher educational establishments on international academic mobility.
3. Foreigners who arrive in Ukraine for the purpose of studying with the help of individuals and legal entities enter the KNTU for accredited educational programs (specialties):
a) twice a year, before and at the beginning of academic semesters (before November 01 and March 1, respectively): for obtaining Bachelor's degree and Master's degree;
b) during the year for study in postgraduate study, doctoral studies according to the assessment/review submitted in accordance with the Procedure for recruiting and training (internships) of foreigners and stateless persons, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated November 1, 2013 No. 1541, registered with the Ministry Justice of Ukraine on November 25, 2013 under No. 2004/24536, documents and interviews on certain subjects and language of instruction.
KNTU calculates the marks /grades of the admissions on the basis of the document on the previous education level and establishes the minimum number of marks / grades from the general subjects from which the interview is conducted, which is necessary for entry.
Admission to study for higher education at the appropriate level of higher education is based on the results of the interview and on the basis of the academic rights of continuing education, provided by the document on the level of education in the country of origin, and taking into account the points of success that give the right to continue education at the next higher education levels in accordance with the legislation of the country that issued the document on the level of education obtained.
The requirements of KNTU regarding the correspondence of foreign applicants to the conditions for admission to the corresponding higher education levels are indicated in the rules of admission to the KNTU and are published on the official website of the KNTU.
4. Foreigners entering the studies are credited to the KNTU on the basis of enrollment orders that are formed in the Unified Base.
5. The terms of acceptance of applications, interviews, creative contests and the enrollment of foreigners and stateless persons who arrived in Ukraine for the purpose of studying and enter the KNTU, shall be determined by the admissions committee.
6. Foreigners who receive state scholarships under international agreements, national programs, other international obligations of Ukraine, are admitted to the training under the established quotas for admission to the KNTU on the basis of the directions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
7. Foreign Ukrainians whose status is confirmed by a certificate of a foreign Ukrainian, when applying to the KNTU, enjoy the same rights to education as the citizens of Ukraine, with the exceptions established by the Constitution of Ukraine, laws of Ukraine or international agreements, the consent of which is binding on the Supreme Court Council of Ukraine.
Foreign Ukrainians, whose status is confirmed by a certificate of a foreign Ukrainian, are credited within the limits of the established quotas for admission to the KNTU for an interview on subjects envisaged by the rules of admission to the KNTU.
The cost of training foreign citizens for full-time and part-time studies in all areas of training (specialties) and educational levels is $ 1,500 or UAH equivalent of $ 1,500 per year at the rate of the National Bank of Ukraine as of the date of contract conclusion.
E. Directions
The admission board is located at address: Kherson, 130 I. Kulika Street, room 103. Administrative building is located at address: Kherson, 24 Berislavske Shose.
The University can be reached:
- by trolleybus №1, 8, 12;
- by bus №7, 8, 14, 17, 26, 33, 35, 47, 49;
- from bus station by trolleybus № 12 and by bus №14, 26;
- from railway station by bys № 35.
F. Cost of living
The cost of living in a dormitory is from 388 to 392 UAH per month depending on comfort level. There are a refectory and a canteen in each educational building.
D. Accommodation
KNTU has three dormitories densely situated in park area. The dormitories have rooms for two, three and four students. The rooms are fully equipped for living and studying at the university such as: studies, kitchens, laundries with washing machines, gyms, showers working constantly with cold and hot water. Students who live in dormitories are provided with bed clothes. Also, students have free access to the Internet.
E. Health and Insurance
On the territory of the campus there is a student clinic of the clinic of a family doctor who works in conjunction with the polyclinic of the Kherson City Clinical Hospital named after A.S. Luchansky. The ambulatory is equipped with modern medical equipment. Emergency and first aid kid, preventive inspections are provided regularly.
F. Learning conditions
The educational process is carried out in lecture rooms, lecture multimedia classrooms, auditoriums for seminars and practical classes, classrooms for laboratory classes, language learning rooms for the study of foreign languages. Students' training is conducted using IT technologies in specialized computer laboratories with access to the Internet.
1. KNTU scientific and technical library is an intellectual center of science, it acts to raise intellectual and moral potential of its users.
Free for users:
- training, scientific and fiction literature;
- book fairs, presentations and bibliographical reviews;
- electronic fairs.
2. Material and Technical Base
The university has a complex of seven teaching and laboratory buildings, an area for students, a campus with a socio-cultural field, a catering complex and a sports center (gymnasium, stadiums, football, basketball and volleyball courts, a hangar for sports boats).
In the main educational building there is a student club and an assembly hall for more than 500 seats.
G. Other Practical Information
The practical training of university students is conducted on the bases of practice - enterprises, organizations, institutions of any forms of ownership, or in structural units of the KNSTU, whose scientific-technical and organizational level corresponds to the requirements of practice programs.
H. Out-of-class activities and leisure time
Student Government
Student government is a form of government in which students have the right to decide the issue of internal control at the level of the academic group of faculty, dormitory, course, specialty, campus and another structural unit of KNTU.
There are such authorities of the student government:
- KNTU Students Council
- KNTU Students and Postgraduates Committee