Structure / Кафедри університету / Менеджменту та маркетингу |
Менеджменту та маркетингу

Head of the Chair Doctor of Economics, Professor Savina Galina
Office 320 (1) telephone/fax: 8(0552) 32-69-47
Highly skilled industrial workers and graduates form the staff of the Chair of Management and Marketing. There are 28 lectures, including 3 professors and 14 associate professors work at the Chair.
The Chair trains specialists in specialities:
- 075 Marketing
- 073 Management
- Personnel Management and Labor Economics Management
- Management of Entrepreneurship;
- Management of Hotel and Tourist Business;
- Business Administration;
- Logistics.
Fundamental scientific research in management of labor potential development of the regions of Ukraine in the context of global integration processes is aimed at the following tasks:
- Research of formation and development of labor potential of the regions of Ukraine.
- Research of the employment potential of the regions in the context of integration of Ukraine into the global labor market.
- Elaboration of development stimulating methods of regions' labor potential.
- Elaboration of methods of balanced development of labor potential of the regions of Ukraine.
- Research of international migration influence on the development of labor potential of Ukraine.
- Assessment of labor potential of the region (in case of Kherson region)
Improvement of the modern methodology and research tools entirely concises with the scientific schools of the Chair.
The most significant scientific and methodical results are:
1 Elaboration of development methods of group field of labor potential quality, which is aimed to identify the most important factors influencing the employment potential of the region and allows to calculate certain criteria of utility rate to ensure the competitive position of labor potential of the region.
2 Methodological tools of position determination of the labor potential quality of the region as for the structural components that allow to develop practical recommendations for improving the management of labor potential.
3 Methodological approaches to the comprehensive assessment of labor potential of the region which are based on combination of its quantitative and qualitative components.
4 Indicators characterizing the internal and external migration: the internal migration rate and the rate of labor migration, deducted formula of their interdependence.
In scientific, educational and methodological aspects the Chair actively collaborates with other educational institutions, including:
- The University of Wroclaw
- Donetsk National University
- Vinnitsa National University
- European International Relations Institute
- Zaporizhzhya National University
- Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design
- Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
- Lviv University of Trade and Economics
- Ternopil National Economical University
- Khmelnyskiy National University
as well as government and academic institutions, including:
- Kherson Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Kherson Regional Center of Employment
- Department of Economic and Regional Development and Trade of Kherson Regional State Administration
- Department of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Kherson Regional State Administration
- Office of Industry and Infrastructure Development of Kherson Regional State Administration
- Office of Tourism and Resorts of Kherson Regional State Administration
Students of field of study 030601 "Management" successfully represent scientific school of the Chair during the students' scientific international and national conferences, seminars, contests where they occupy medal places and receive awards. In order to communicate and exchange views on the research results the Chair conducts traditional International student conferences with increasing amount of the participants from far and near abroad countries. Guests come from Moldova, Belarus, Russia, Poland and Bulgaria. The purposes of the scientific conferences are: effective assimilation of knowledge in economics and law; students' adaptation to the new forms of perception of the material; the actual solution of the practical problems of socio-economic development of modern society. Active participation of students in the discussion of topical issues provides the solution to the strategic challenges forming a circle of young scientists with the prospects of further cooperation in the field of scientific research.
The ability to expand common outlook and gain practical skills in communication, including foreign languages, students acquire during lectures with invited foreign lecturers and travelling seminars in Poland, Holland, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Belarus and Lithuania.
After the discussion of reports and sharing of best practices conference participants get certificates of approval and published abstracts in a special digest.
In order to provide employment for the graduates of the Chair of Management and Marketing maintains relationships with leading enterprises and institutions of Kherson region. During meetings with employers students get the opportunity to discuss the organization of pre-diploma practice and opportunities for future employment.
The Chair of Management and Marketing constantly monitors the labor market, forms and updates data bank on employment of graduates.
The Graduates of the Chair of Management and Marketing work in many cities of Ukraine and CIS countries, occupying senior positions in large enterprises, banks, small and medium-sized enterprises.

Nabokov Rustan M.
Graduate of the 2001
Present position: Associate Professor of the Chair of Management and Marketing, Deputy Head of the Chair of organizational and educational work, PhD, academician of the Ukrainian Technological Academy in the department "Economics of new technologies."

Alexander Korneychuk V.
Graduate of the 2003
Present position: Director of Novovolynskiy slaughterhouse

Korneychuk Angela V.
Graduate of the 2010
Present position: Hr-Manager of Ukranian-Polish service company "Impel Griffin Group".

Shylkina Ekaterina O.
Graduate of the 2011
Present position: entrepreneur, co-organizer of such city events as "Battle of talents", festival "Shyrokyy Step" and others.
At present moment she is a postgraduate preparing to defend the thesis for the degree of candidate of economic sciences.

Yevych Ioanna V.
Master Graduate of the 2013
Present position: PR specialist the Office of the State Migration Service of Ukraine in the Kherson region.