Structure / Кафедри університету / Foreign economic activity / Research work |
Research work
The chair of Foreign Economic Activity of the Faculty of International Economic Relations, Business and Management of Kherson National Technical University conducts active scientific work.
All the chair’s professors are involved in the execution of applicable state-financed scientific researches. For the last five years the Department of International Economics carried out the following studies:
1. “Problems and prospects of the long-term region development in the globalized economy”;
2. “Adaptation of tools for strategic planning to overcome the economic crisis”;
3. “Innovation strategy development for enterprises of the Kherson region in terms of global economic transformation”;
4. “Theoretical and methodological principles of the organizational and economic mechanism formation in the region’s foreign trade”.
In 2011 the chair of Foreign Economic Activity signed two cooperation agreements: the Agreement №2/2011-C d/d 27.05.11 on the research joint with Kherson Customs Service of State Border Guard Service of Ukraine on the subject of “Development of the Black Sea regions of Ukraine within the frame of cross-border cooperation in terms of global economic transformation”; the Agreement №3/2011-C d/d 07.10.11 provides for cooperation with Kherson Regional Center of investment and Development in the field of Kherson region investment development.
The research results are highlighted in scientific articles and educational books, are reported at scientific conferences of various levels.
The chair’s professors have published 27 educational books. For the last five years 5 monographs, 112 scientific articles, 57 theses and conference reports at various levels have been published.
The chair of Foreign Economic Activity constantly improves the quality of the academic staff. Two doctoral dissertations (Dep. Head, Associate Professor Fomishyna V.M. and Associate Professor Naumova L.M.) and three candidate's dissertations (senior lector Morozova O.G., assistance lector Advokatova N.O., senior assistant Voskresenska O.Ie.) were defended in 2013. The results of the dissertation researches are widely used in the department’s educational process.
The chair of Foreign Economic Activity together with the Institute of Market Problems and Economic-Ecological Research NASU (Odessa) regularly conducts international research-to-practice conference “Ukrainian Black Sea: the vectors of strategic development and the European living standards”. In 2015 the ninth of them was arranged. The conference brings together leading scientists and allows young scientists to evaluate and publish their research results in a specialized scientific journal “Economic Innovations”.
Each year the Chair holds interuniversity scientific conference of young scientists and students; based on its results a book of theses “Professional formation of youth under the conditions of integration in Ukraine” is published. Also the Department holds Ukrainian research-to-practice conference of young scientists and students named “International Economic Relations in terms of Unstable Global Development”. At these conferences under the guidance of leading scientists the students have an opportunity to choose topics for further research and test their strength in scientific work.
Abstract |
The monograph presents methodological principles of defining the functional role of consumption and savings in the context of the modern paradigm of social and economic development and the principles of sustainable capital reproduction and accumulation. It shows the possibilities of saving-investment policy tools and consumption regulation when implementing the concept of human development. It offers primary areas of consumption and savings management with purpose of addressing the strategic development objectives – growth of human welfare.
The monograph is intended for researchers, lecturers and students, and anyone interested in the problems of modern economy. |
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The monograph sets forth key instruments of foreign economic activity management and peculiarities of their application in contemporary conditions of actualization of integration processes in Ukraine. It describes the process of forming of the components of Ukraine's foreign economic strategy in the conditions of integration of the national economy into the European one. It also reveals the actual problems of foreign economic activity management of enterprises and offers universal ways of their solution. The monograph is addressed to the scientists, masters, students of economic departments and all those, who is interested in problems of the national economy in general and problems of foreign economic activity in particular. |
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It explains the socio-economic nature of firm, studies the directions and the forms of its modification in conditions of information society formation, including transition economies of the inversive type. The nature of firm in the broad sense is disclosed based on the variety of its purposes, laws of its equilibrium operation and sustainable development, its place in the system of productive forces, economic relations, social institutions by involving analytical tools of neoclassical and neo-institutional approaches, concepts of X-efficiency and agency relations, resource-oriented , behavioral, evolutionary theories and others.
Due to traditions of microeconomic representativeness and neo-institutional approach the socio-economic nature of firm is defined as wealth-oriented existence of economic space-time (relations between marginal utility and value) concentrated at the level of business organization and relayed through value (institutional) harmonization of economic efficiency and social equity at the macro level of management, in the existence of institutional architectonics.
It reveals that the nature of firm modification factors within the information society are the property and value relations transforms, and its main forms are concepts of public-private partnership and organizations’ social responsibility. It shows that the key to the success of the public-private partnership and social responsibility is a system of corporate management and effective rights management. In transformational economy of the inversive type the need to implement the firm’s social function becomes especially urgent. At the same time the most important condition for overcoming the economic entities selfish behavior is to understand the nature of firm at the legislative level, because today in the legal field of Ukraine the main economic entity is an enterprise and not a firm. |
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Колективна монографія є узагальнюючим результатом науково-практичної конференції в рамках програми Жана Моне, яка координується Виконавчим агентством з питань освіти, аудіо вузівських засобів і культури (ЕАСЕА) за мандатом Європейської Комісії. В монографії розглядаються питання соціально-економічного, правового розвитку Європейського союзу в умовах конвергенції та перспективи конвергенції економік України у країн-членів Європейського Союзу. Розрахована на науковців, викладачів і студентів вищих навчальних закладів, фахівців державного управління, працівників органів державної влади та місцевого самоврядування, а також буде корисна для всіх, кого цікавить окреслене коло проблем. |
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The monograph is dedicated to the research of textile industry strategic resource efficiency in Ukraine. Based on the study of theoretical and methodological foundations of strategic management, evaluation and analysis of the current state and prospects of resources in Ukrainian textile enterprises it defines perspective directions and required conditions for the textile industry development through the use of resource-saving technologies.
It is intended for scientists, enterprises and organizations’ specialists and, lecturers, students of economic specialties, and a wide range of other readers. |
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