Міжнародна діяльність / For foreign students |
For foreign students

Kherson National Technical University (KNTU) invites to study talented, courageous, initiative young people having intention to succeed in their lives.
Kherson National Technical University is an autonomous higher educational institution of the IVth level of accreditation, which trains highly qualified specialists for different branches, prepares scientific personnel, provides training and advanced training of specialists, implements fundamental and applied scientific researches on broad aspects, develops international co-operation with higher educational establishments and enterprises.
There are 5 faculties (Faculty of International Eco-nomic Relations, Management and Business, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Cybernetics and System Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Transport, Faculty of Integrated Technologies), 26 departments, 20 of which are degree-granting. Educational process is provided by 341 scientific and pedagogical staff of the University, including 187 candidates of sciences, associate professors, 57 doctors of sciences, professors.